The Seedlings Plan

✔ offers App and one trial ticket to Special Camp

Turn every day a tale of creativity with our app!

TaleTree App

Let your kids find their passions and like-minded friends that can share creative minds and encouragement.

As the digital gallery grows, their confidence and emotional intelligence increase.

You can access our Web-App on any browser, anywhere, at any time.


The various genres of Challenges in the app will aspire kids to imagination and desire to learn about something more deeply. Kids will find new interests and discover like-minded friends that share the same passions


TaleTree ensures a culture of sharing that is encouraging, safe, and always friendly. Having the stage on which they can shine, they will be motivated to keep their creativity.

My Room

Use TaleTree as a secure place to store creative memories. Have you considered that your 8-year-old's creative writing project might later shine a light for her on her college pursuits and future careers? Don't miss out on the treasure of her tales! TaleTree will provide your kids with useful features that will enhance their collection experience.


We believe kids thrive on supportive feedback from peers and family. By understanding the power of receiving compliments from their peers, kids will learn to provide others with attention and compliments.