Wellness & Nutrition Specialist

“Amy Lang”

Her clients call her “health whisperer”.

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The habits formed at a young age stay with you for a long time. We encourage our kids to build healthy and sound habits now. We often hear from our kids’ parents that they collect things around them such as leaves, rocks, delivery boxes, and toilet paper tubes, etc. They do that to create something cool to show to their TaleTree friends. We also hear that kids seem to start giving more compliments to their friends and listen more carefully, too. While all these good habits are formed in our kids, we also wanted to give them the opportunity to think about their physical health as well. Our guest, Amy, showed our kids how we get our energy from food/water, sleep, and play, and gave them some daily missions they should follow :) Kids came up with great questions and ideas throughout the session. We will keep reminding them of all the important tips Amy shared with them. Thank you, Amy!

September Special Guest

Amy Lang is the Founder of Moxie Club, host of the Happy & Healthy podcast, a certified nutrition coach and fitness trainer. Her clients call her the "Habit Whisperer" because she helps them create healthy habits that actually stick. Since her childhood, she has always been interested in the subject of "health." At one point, she considered a career in medicine but ultimately decided to work with people on wellness, and preventing disease was much more rewarding and fulfilling.


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